2011 Yogyakarta, INDONESIA
Conference 2011 Yogyakarta, INDONESIA
GERMAN ALUMNI NIGHT, and Half Day Seminar of German Professors
Theme: Designing and Constructing in Sustainability
Organized by:

Organized by:

Yogyakarta, 20 – 22 September 2011
This report is consisted of three activities, joint cooperation between Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta (UAJY), Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH), University of Stuttgart, University of Kassel, supported by DAAD through Grant for Alumni Events.
The committee has been also supported by The Ministry of Public Works of Republic of Indonesia and The Embassy of Federal Republic of Germany.
In September 2010, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harianto Hardjasaputra set up the International Scientific committee, chaired by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Schmidt (University of Kassel).
Chairman: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Schmidt (University of Kassel, Germany)
Structural and Construction Engineering
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E.H. Werner Sobek (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harianto Hardjasaputra (Universitas Pelita Harapan, Indonesia)
- Prof. Yoyong Arfiadi, Ph.D. (Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, Indonesia)
- Prof. Ir. Dr. Mahmood Md. Tahir, B.Sc. (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia)
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Johannes Tarigan (Universitas Sumatera Utara, Indonesia)
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karl-Heinz Reineck (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
- Prof. Ir. Iswandi Imran, Ph.D (Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia)
- Prof. Kuo-Chun Chang (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
- Prof. Andy Chit Tan, Ph.D. (Queensland University of Technology, Australia)
Construction Management and Project Management
- Prof. Weng Tat Chan (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Korn (University of Karlsruhe, Germany)
- Prof. Khrisna Mochtar, Ph.D. (Institut Teknologi Indonesia, Indonesia)
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans Wilhelm Alfen (Bauhaus-University of Weimar, Germany)
- Prof. I-Tung Yang Ph.D (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology)
Infrastructure (environmental, coastal, transportation, water) Engineering
- Prof. Nur Yuwono, Ph.D. (Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia)
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Hothan (Leibniz-University of Hannover, Germany)
- Prof. Tawatchai Tingsanchali (Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand)
- Prof. Shunji Kusayanagi (Kochi University of Technology, Japan)
Geotechnical Engineering
- Prof. Ir. Masyhur Irsyam, PhD (Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia)
- Prof. Chang-Yu Ou, Ph.D (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan)
- Prof. Jianye Ching, Ph.D (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
- Prof. Horn-Da Lin, Ph.D (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan)
Building Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Schmidt (University of Kassel, Germany)
- Prof. Yin-Wen Chan, Ph.D (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
- Prof. Dr. Ir. Irwan Katili (Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia)
- Prof. Hilmi Bin Mahmud, Ph.D (Universiti Malaya, Malaysia)
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ludger Lohaus (Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany)
The member of ISC comes from the international universities in Europe, Asia, and Indonesia. They were assigned based on their expertise each to review the submitted abstracts & papers.
The civil engineering department of Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta was the host of this conference. They set up the organizing committee, chaired by Ms. Ir. Anastasia Yunika M.Eng. The lecturers from both universities were involved in this committee.
Organizing Committee (OC):
STEERING COMMITTEE | : | Dean of Faculty of Engineering of UAJYDean of Faculty of Design and Planning of UPHDirector of Executive of EACEFProf. Dr.-Ing. Harianto Hardjasaputra (Alumni) |
Chairwoman | : | Anastasia Yunika, S.T., M.Eng. ( anasyunika@yahoo.com) |
Treasurer | : | Sumiyati Gunawan, S.T., M.T. |
Vice Chairman 1 | : | Cilcia Kusumastuti, S.T., M.Eng. |
Sponsorship & Promotion/ Exhitibition | : | Ir. Hendra Suryadharma, M.T.Ir. Y. Lulie, M.T.Joey Tirtawijaya S.T., M.T. |
Registration | : | Cilcia Kusumastuti, S.T., M.Eng.Maya Nainggolan |
Proceeding & Paper | : | Ferianto Raharjo, S.T., M.T.Siswadi, S.T., M.T.Dr. Ir. Wiryanto Dewobroto, M.T.Merry Natalia, ST, M.Eng |
Publication | : | Lukas WidyaAgung Pradjaka |
Venue and equipment | : | Ir. Wiryawan Sarjono, M.T.Januar Sudjati, S.T., M.T. |
Vice Chairman 2 | : | Ir. Junaedi Utomo, M.Eng. |
Plenary & Technical Session | : | Ir. Junaedi Utomo, M.Eng.Dr.-Ing. Jack Widjajakusuma |
Program/ Master of Ceremony | : | Prof. Dr. Manlian Ronald A. Simanjuntak, S.T., M.T., D.Min. |
Logistic/consumption/banner/conference Kit | : | Eva Lianasari, S.T., M.T.Etik RukminiSupiyati |
Transportation | : | Ir. Arief SudibyoSribowo |
Accomodation of speakers | : | Anastasia Yunika, S.T., M.Eng.Vincent, ST |
Documentation | : | Wiko Retnanto |
Technical visit & Farewell Dinner | : | Ir. Harijanto Setiawan, M.Eng.Ir. Eko Setyanto, MCM |
Website Administrator | : | Hendy Wijaya, S.Kom |
Program Schedule of Conference
Conference preparation
In December 2009 the OC announced the coming conference through flyer and website for call for papers.
We launch the conference website www.eacef.com, equipped with on line registration, to ease the authors in registration and submission their scientific paper.
The participants were welcomed to contribute the paper on the conference with following key dates:
- Submission of a brief one-page abstract : 28 February 2011
- Acceptance of the abstract : 31 January – 28 February 2011
- Submission of the complete manuscripts : 1 July 2011
- Review of the manuscripts : 15 June 2011 – 30 June 2011
- Final submission of the Complete manuscripts : 1 July 2011
Conference date and venue:
Date : 20 – 22 September 2011
Venue : September 20 ,2011
- Grand Quality Hotel, Yogyakarta
September 21 ,2011
- St. Thomas Aquinas Auditorium, Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta
September 22 ,2011
- Technical Visit – Borobudur Temple & Prambanan Temple
The main theme of the conference is:
Designing and Constructing in Sustainability
The Scientific Committee has accepted 131 scientific papers from 20 countries. 91 papers were presented in 4 Plenary Sessions and 8 parallel technical sessions. They were divided into five groups, as such:
- Structural and Construction Engineering
- Construction Management and Project Management
- Infrastructure (environmental, coastal, transportation, water) Engineering
- Geotechnical Engineering
- Building Materials Engineering (Nanotechnology)
To promote the conference, the Organizing Committee has made one flyer and conference website: www.eacef.com
The Organizing Committee published the accepted scientific papers in the form of Digital Proceeding and Printed Proceeding and also Program Book/Abstract.
Keynote Speakers
- Ir. Agus Widjanarko, MIP (German Alumni- University of Stuttgart), Secretary General of Public Works Ministry of the Republic of Indonesia
- Dr. Norbert Baas, His Excellency, the Ambassador of Republic Federal of Germany
Invited Speakers
8 Invited Speakers from world class universities were invited to present their state of the art of research:
- Dr.-Ing. Alexander Wetzel on behalf of Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Michael Schmidt (University of Kassel, GERMANY)
- Dipl.-Ing. Linus Klein on behalf of Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christian Moormann (University of Stuttgart, GERMANY)
- Prof. Jong Sung Sim (University of Han Yang – KOREA)
- Klaus Thorsten, M.Sc. on behalf of Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Werner Sobek (University of Stuttgart, GERMANY)
- Dr. Keiji Ando (The Japan Iron and Steel Federation, JAPAN)
- Prof. Shunji Kusayanagi (Kochi University of Technology, JAPAN)
- Prof. Chan Weng Tat (National University of Singapore, SINGAPORE)
Conducting a two-day Conference
1stDay, September 20, 2011
Time: 8.00 – 17.00
Program: Plenary & Technical session
Welcoming and opening Speeches of the conference was delivered by:
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harianto Hardjasaputra (UPH-Indonesia), Chairman of European Asian Civil Engineering Forum (EACEF)
- Ms. Ir. Anastasia Yunika, M.Eng (UAJY-Indonesia), Chairwoman of Organizing Committee
- Dr. Nils Wagenknecht, on behalf of Director of DAAD Jakarta Office
- Dr. Rogatianus Maryatmo, Ph.D (Rector of UAJY-Indonesia)
- Ir. Agus Widjanarko, MIP (German Alumni- University of Stuttgart), Secretary General of Public Works Ministry of the Republic of Indonesia

2nd Day, September 21, 2011
Program: Plenary & Technical session
Time: 8.30-17.00

The two-day conference was closed with the Farewell Dinner, hosted by The Rector of Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta.

It was announced the best paper award and the host of the next conference.
Best Paper Award
At the end of the conference, the Scientific Committee announced the Best Paper from each group.
1. Group of Structural and Construction Engineering (SC)
- Code: SC027
- Title: “The Flexural Strength and Rigidity of Composite Plywood-Meranti Stress Skin Panel”
- Authors: Johannes Adhijoso Tjondro, Dina Rubiana Widarda, Leonardus Eka Dharma
2. Group of Building Materials Engineering
- Code: BM039
- Title: “Multiphases Hydration of the Activated Binary Blend Portland Cement-Trass”
- Authors: Vera Indrawati Judarta
3. Group of Construction Management, Infrastructure Engineering, & Geotechnical Engineering
- Code: GT012
- Title: “Analysis of Basal Heave Stability for Excavations in Soft Clay using the Finite Element Method”
- Authors: Aswin Lim and Chang-Yu Ou

The Next Conference
It was a great pleasure to see the idea of this conference – EACEF becoming reality due to hard work of many parties, especially also support from DAAD.
The presence of our distinguished guest Dr. Norbert Baas, the German Ambassador and giving keynote speech in the conference are signs for us, that our EACEF is expected to have significant contribution in facing global issues, opens a window of opportunity to strengthen ties between the Europe and the Asia region at a key time of fast global change.
In his speech Dr. Buchholt gave his appreciation to Prof. Harianto Hardjasaputra and the organizing committee for taking the initiative and preparing this forum. We all know that it is a hard work to plan and conduct such an international conference, to raise the funds, plan the program, to invite speakers and participants and so on. He is convinced that all efforts will be rewarded by a lively, fruitful seminar and discussion.
The response by so many authors from 20 countries was surely a confirmation for the need of this conference. To respond of this needy, the Organizing Committee and the Scientific Committee had committed to conduct the next conference, the 4th conference of EACEF to be held in:
Singapore, hosted by National University of Singapore (NUS) *
In July 2013
In his speech, Prof. Chan Weng Tat (NUS), the chairman of the organizing committee of the 4th EACEF 2013, said, that it is a great honor to be the host of the next conference. On behalf of his university NUS, he is humble to accept it.
*According to Times Higher Education Ranking 2010, NUS is top ten the best universities in ASIA.

Technical Visit
As part of the conference program, on the third day September 22, 2011 all the participants were invited to join the technical visit. We visited the most famous temple around Yogyakarta, they are Borobudur Temple and Prambanan Temple. Both are recognize as Unesco World Heritage. The participants were guided by the professional guide tour, who is able to explain the history and technical aspect both temples.

The German Alumni Night was conducted on September 20, 2007 at 7.00 pm after the first day of the conference.
Venue : Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana, Yogyakarta
The Chairman of the Committee: Dr.-Ing. Paulus Bawole (Architect – Alumni of Uni-Stuttgart)
The committee invited German Alumni through e-mail, fax, and invitation card.
18.30 Registration
19.00 Welcoming and Opening Speech by:
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harianto Hardjasaputra
- Rector of UKDW
- Dr. Norbert Baas, His Excellency, the Ambassador of the Republic Federal of Germany
19.30 Presentation: “The contribution of German Alumni in community service”, presented by Dipl. Ing. Suchjar Effendi (World University).
20.00 Traditional Dance and Music by UKDW’s Students
Dinner and Fellowship : 21.30 Closed
The number of the guests : 53
German Alumni : 45
Others : 8

On Friday September 23, 2011 the civil engineering students association, supervised by their faculties, have conducted the half day seminar, with the topic:
“Designing the future – towards the sustainable building”
The committee was led by James Yoga (Student of UAJY)
Venue : Thomas Aquinas Auditorium
Time : 8.00 – 12.00
The invited speakers are from Germany and German Alumni Professors, as following:
- Klaus Thorsten, M.Sc. on behalf of Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Werner Sobek (University of Stuttgart, GERMANY)
- Dipl.-Ing. Linus Klein on behalf of Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christian Moormann (University of Stuttgart, GERMANY)
- Dr.-Ing. Alexander Wetzel on behalf of Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Michael Schmidt (University of Kassel, GERMANY)
- Prof. Dr.-Ing Harianto Hardjasaputra (Universitas Pelita Harapan, INDONESIA)
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Johannes Tarigan (Universitas Sumatera Utara, INDONESIA)
The seminar had great success, attended by more than 300 participants, students and professionals from Yogyakarta.

The author thanks to all parties, who have contributed idea, time and hard works to make this conference happen and success. We should also express our special thanks to DAAD for great supporting of this conference and recognize it as German Alumni Activities in Indonesia.
In line with the message of the Ambassador Dr. Baas, the founders and executive Director of EACEF (Harianto Hardjasaputra) do hope that the next international conference of 4th EACEF 2013 will be also recognized by DAAD as the activities of German Alumni Networking in ASEAN region.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harianto Hardjasaputra (Executive Director of EACEF)Ir. Anastasia Yunika M.Eng (Chairwoman 3rd EACEF 2011)