2015 Surabaya, INDONESIA

Conference 2015 Surabaya, INDONESIA

Mini Symposium: Engineering Education


This report is consisted of three activities, joint cooperation between Universitas Kristen Petra, Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta (UAJY), Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH), supported by DAAD through Grant for Alumni Seminar.

The committee has been also supported by Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education of Republic of Indonesia.


In September 2013, the organizing committee of the conference has been set up as followings:


  • Department of Civil Engineering of Petra Christian University, Surabaya, Indonesia, as the Host of the Conference.
  • Department of Civil Engineering, Universitas Pelita Harapan, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Department of Civil Engineering, Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Steering Committee

  1. Benjamin Lumantarna, Petra Christian University, Surabaya
  2. Harianto Hardjasaputra, Universitas Pelita Harapan, Jakarta
  3. Yoyong Arfiadi (Dean), Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta
  4. Timoticin Kwanda (Dean), Petra Christian University, Surabaya
  5. Manlian Ronald S.(Dean), Universitas Pelita Harapan, Jakarta

International Scientific Committee

  1. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai (Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand)
  2. Priyan Mendis (The University of Melbourne, Australia) *)
  3. B.V. Rangan (Curtin University, Australia)
  4. Koji Sakai (Kagawa University, Japan)
  5. Takafumi Noguchi (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
  6. Tamon Ueda (Hokkaido University, Japan)
  7. DongUk Choi (Hankyong National University, South Korea)
  8. Tawatchai Tingsanchali (Thailand)
  9. Nguyen Van Chanh (Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Vietnam)
  10. Chan Weng Tat (National University of Singapore)
  11. Susanto Teng (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
  12. Mohd. Warid Hussin (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia)
  13. Drajat Hoedajanto (HAKI, Indonesia)
  14. Robby Soetanto (Loughborough University, UK)
  15. Iswandi Imran (Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia)
  16. Tavio (Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia)
  17. Sholihin As’ad (Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia)
  18. Han Ay Lie (Diponegoro University, Indonesia)
  19. Gideon Hadi Kusuma (Australia)
  20. Sugie Prawono (Petra Christian University, Indonesia)
  21. Wimpy Santosa (Parahyangan Catholic University, Indonesia)
  22. Ade Sjafruddin (Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia)

Organizing Committee

  1. Chairman : Djwantoro Hardjito , Petra Christian University
  2. Rudy Setiawan, Petra Christian University
  3. Ima Muljati, Petra Christian University
  4. Antoni, Petra Christian University
  5. Gogot Setyo Budi, Petra Christian University
  6. Daniel Tjandra, Petra Christian University
  7. Jack Widjajakusuma, Universitas Pelita Harapan
  8. Wiryanto Dewobroto, Universitas Pelita Harapan
  9. Anastasia Yunika, Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta
  10. Johanes Januar Sudjati, Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta
  11. Cilcia Kusumastuti, Petra Christian University
  12. Sandra Loekita, Petra Christian University
  13. Pamuda Pudjisuryadi, Petra Christian University
  14. Paravita Sri Wulandari, Petra Christian University
  15. Effedy Tanojo, Petra Christian University
  16. Ratna S. Alifen, Petra Christian University
  17. Indriani Santoso, Petra Christian University
  18. Irwan Tanuadji, Petra Christian University
  19. Sri Megawati Hermanto, Petra Christian University

Program Schedule of Conference

Conference preparation
In December 2013 the OC announced the coming conference through flyer and website for call for papers.

We launched the conference website: http//eacef5.petra.ac.id, which is linked to website: www.eacef.com , equipped with on line registration, to ease the authors in registration and submission their scientific paper.

The participants were welcomed to contribute the paper on the conference with following Important dates:

  1. Submission of a brief one-page abstract : January 17, 2015
  2. Acceptance of the abstract : February 14, 2015
  3. Submission of the complete manuscripts : May 16, 2015
  4. Review of the manuscripts : May 17 – July 17, 2015
  5. Final submission of the Complete manuscripts : August 15, 2015

Conference date and Programs:

Date : September 15-18, 2015
Venue : September 15, 2015


September 16-17, 2015

Conference, Plenary and Technical sessions:

September 18, 2015

The main theme of the conference is:

“Civil Engineering Innovation for a Sustainable Future.”

The Scientific Committee has accepted 289 scientific papers from 20 countries. 200 papers were presented in 2 Keynote Lectures (Plenary Sessions) and 32 parallel technical sessions, which consists 6-7 paper presentations. They were divided into six groups, as such:

  1. Structural and Construction Engineering
  2. Geotechnical Engineering
  3. Green Civil Engineering Materials
  4. Environmental Engineering (incl. Water & Climate Changes)
  5. Infrastructure Engineering (incl. Transportation System & Public Facilities)
  6. Construction Project and Safety Management


To promote the conference, the Organizing Committee has made one flyer and conference website: www.eacef.com and http://http//eacef5.petra.ac.id

All the accepted and presented scientific papers will be published in the conference journal: Procedia Engineering, indexed by SCOPUS and published by ELSEVIER.

Printed Program Book/Abstracts is also available
Keynote Speakers

6 Keynote speakers from world class universities were invited to present their state of the art of research:

  1. Prof. Manfred Grohmann (University of Kassel, GERMANY)
  2. Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai (Asian Institute of Technology, THAILAND)
  3. Prof. Jong Sung Sim (University of Han Yang – KOREA)
  4. Asscoc. Prof. J.G. (Jarit) de Gift (Delft University of Technology, Netherland)
  5. Prof. Chan Weng Tat (National University of Singapore, SINGAPORE)
  6. Prof. Lee Kwang-Yeol (DongSeo University – KOREA)


Actually we have planned and confirmed to have Prof. Christian Moormann (University of Stutgart) as the keynote speaker from the beginning of conference preparation. But unfortunately, we could not have any more contact with him since March 2015, although we have tried to contact him through institute and his research assistant.
We tried to find another Professors to replace Prof. Moormann, but unfortunately it was not successful. The reason is, that the time was to short. They had already the fixed Schedule.
1stDay, September 17, 2015
Time: 8.30 – 17.00


Welcoming and opening Speeches of the conference was delivered by:

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harianto Hardjasaputra (UPH-Indonesia), Chairman of European Asian Civil Engineering Forum (EACEF), DAAD Alumni
Prof. Djwantoro Hardjito Ph.D. (UK Petra-Indonesia), Chairman of Organizing Committee
Prof. Rolly Intan Ph.D. (Rector of UK Petra)

Plenary sessions

Technical Session

!7.30 – 20.00

Welcome Reception

2nd Day, September 18, 2015

Time: 8.30-17.00

Plenary sessions

Technical Session

Closing Ceremony

It was announced the best paper award and the host of the next conference.

The comprehensive Program can be seen in Program Book, attached in this report.

List of Speakers from DAAD Alumni:
1. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harianto Hardjasaputra, (Universität Stuttgart), “Evolutionary Structural Optimization as Tool in Finding Strut-and-Tie Models (STM) for Designing Reinforced Concrete Deep Beams”, UNIVERSITAS PELITA HARAPAN, JAKARTA.

2. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Herman Parung, (TH Darmstadt), “Flexural Capacity of Concrete Beams Strengthened Using GFRP Sheet After Seawater Immersion”, UNIVERSITAS HASANUDDIN, MAKASAR.

3. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Triwiyono, (Gesamthoechschule Kassel Universität), “Flexural Strength and Ductility of Concrete Brick Masonry Wall Strengthened Using Steel Reinforcement”, UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA, YOGYAKARTA.

4. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Wibowo, (Technische Universität Berlin), “Returns to Scale in Buildings Construction Coasts: Indonesian Cases”, KEMENTERIAN PEKERJAAN UMUM, BANDUNG.

5. Dr.-Ing. Teuku Budi Aulia, (Universität Leipzig), “Bending Capacity Analysis of High-Strength Reinforced Concrete Beams Using Environment Friendly Synthetic Fiber Composites”, UNIVERSITAS SYAH KUALA, BANDA ACEH.

6. Yuliarti Kusumawardaningsih, MSc, (Kassel Universität, Kassel, GERMANY), “Tensile Strenght Behavior of UHPC and UHPFRC”, UNIVERSITAS NEGERI SEMARANG.

7. Prof. Ir. Ika Bali, M.Eng.,Ph.D, “Mechanical Behavior of Reactive Powder Concrete with Glass Powder”, UNIVERSITAS PODOMORO, JAKARTA.

8. Dr. rer.pol. Heri Kuswanto, M.Si, (Leibniz Hannover University), “Identification of Extreme Events in Climate Data from Multiple Sites”, INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI SEPULUH NOVEMBER, SURABAYA.

9. Dr.-Ing. Ir. Mohajit, M.Sc, (Karlsruhe (TH)), “Mathematical Modeling of Injection Wells for Flooding Prevention in Jakarta”, INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI BANDUNG .

10. Dr.-Ing. Jack Widjajakusuma, (Universität Stuttgart), “Effect of Geometries on the Natural Frequencies of Pratt Truss Bridges”, UNIVERSITAS PELITA HARAPAN, JAKARTA .

The Next Conference

It was a great pleasure to see the idea of this conference – EACEF becoming reality due to hard work of many parties, especially also support from DAAD.

The response from so many authors from 20 countries with 200 reviewed papers from 289 submitted papers, surely a confirmation for the need of this conference. They are signs for us, that our EACEF is expected to have significant contribution in facing global issues, opens a window of opportunity to strengthen ties between the Europe and the Asia region at a key time of fast global change.

To respond of this needy, the Organizing Committee and the Scientific Committee had committed to conduct the next conference, the 4thconference of EACEF to be held in:

Seoul, KOREA, hosted by Hanyang University
In August 2015

In his speech, Prof. Jong-Sung SIM (Hanyang University), that it is a great honor to be the host of the next conference.

2. MINI SYMPOSIUM: Engineering Education

As part of the conference program, on the second day of the conference, September 17, 2015 the participants were invited to join the Mini Symposium, with the topic: Engineering Education, to discuss HOW to develop engineers who can contribute in the society.

Day, date              :  September  17, 2015
Time (duration)  :  13.00 -15.00
Place                     :  Petra Christian University
Remark                :  one of parallel sessions

Symposium Chair:
Prof. Harianto Hardjasaputra


  1. Prof. Shunji Kusayanagi (Tokyo City University, Japan)
  2. Dr. Rachman Sjarief (German Alumni-Motivator)
  3. Prof. Dr. Peter Pscheid (International University Liaison Indonesia).
  4. Prof. Chan Weng Tat (National University of Singapore)
  5. 5. Prof. Manfred Grohmann (Uni Kassel- German)

Anastasia Yunika, M.Eng.

Topic content:

  1. What is the attitude and ways of thinking of young generation in your country?
  2. What is the problem(s) existing in engineering education system in your country?
  3. How do we overcome those problems and difficulties? Can we find an effective education system(s)?


The German Alumni Night was conducted on September 17, 2015 at 6.00 pm after the closing ceremony of the conference.

Venue : Universitas Surabaya


Steering Committee:

  1. Prof. Harianto Hardjasaputra
  2. Dr. rer. nat. Maria Goretti (Dean)

Chairwoman: Esti Dwi Rinawiyanti ST, MBA (Industrial Engineer)

Treasury: Dr. rer. nat. Lanny Sapei (Bio-Tech)

The committee invited all German Alumni in Surabaya and surrounding through e-mail, fax, and invitation card.


18.00-18.30     Registration

18.30–19.00   Welcoming and Opening Speech by:

  • Representation of German Alumni (Maria Goretti)
  • Representation of DAAD Jakarta (Welcoming Letter from Dr. Irene Jansen)
  • Vice Rector I of Universitas Surabaya

19.30               Invited Presentation: “Synchronizing between Universities Innovation and Industrial Application”, presented by Markus Hartono Ph.D.

Presentation: “German Fest” from German Center in Surabaya.

20.10               Traditional Dance and Music by UBAYA’s Students

Dinner and Fellowship

21.00 Closing and Photo session

The number of the guests: 103


The author would like to thank to all parties, who have contributed idea, time and hard works to make this conference happen and success. We should also express our special thanks to DAAD for great supporting of this conference and recognize it as 3rd German DAAD Alumni Activities in Indonesia.

Karawaci, November 28, 2015

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harianto Hardjasaputra



Attached with this report I have delivered to DAAD in Jakarta following items:

  1. Program Books (1 book)
  2. Flash Disk ( Soft Copy of Program Book and Paper)
  3. Conference Bag (1 pcs)
  4. Photo of the Conference
  5. Financial Report/ Statement
  6. List of German DAAD Alumni in Surabaya and invited participant of the conference.

The first Committee Meeting
Venue: Civil Engineering Department – UK Petra, Surabaya
Date: 23 January 2014

The Join Committee Meeting
Venue: Civil Engineering Department – UK Petra, Surabaya
Date: 20 March 2015

Peer Reviewer Final Meeting, 5th EACEF 2015
Venue: Mercure Hotel Surabaya
Date: June 29, 2015

German Alumni Meeting
Venue: Universitas Surabaya (UBAYA)
Date: June 29, 2015

Welcoming Banner
Venue: Universitas Kristen Petra, Surabaya
Date: September 15, 2015

Registration Desk
Venue: Universitas Kristen Petra, Surabaya
September 15, 2015

Registration Desk
Venue: Universitas Kristen Petra, Surabaya
September 15, 2015

Mini Symposium
Venue: Universitas Kristen Petra, Surabaya
September 17, 2015

German Alumni Night
Venue: Universitas Surabaya (UBAYA)
Date: September 17, 2015 – evening

German Alumni Night (Cultural Performing)
Venue: Universitas Surabaya (UBAYA)
Date: September 17, 2015 – evening

Supported by:

Conducted by: